Hand in blue rubber glove holding blue microfiber cleaning cloth and spray bottle

Do Clean Houses Get Bed Bugs?

Bed bugs are notoriously difficult to eliminate, which is why many homeowners will attempt to keep bed bugs at bay with vigorous cleaning and organization. Unfortunately, keeping a clean home won’t prevent a bed bug infestation from occurring. In fact, bed bugs aren’t picky when it comes to where they make their dwelling – but if it’s not dirt and grime, what exactly attracts them to your home in the first place?

Read on to find out what really causes a bed bug infestation and how to get rid of them if they appear in your home.

Are Bed Bugs Attracted to Poor Hygiene?woman wearing blue rubber gloves wiping down a counter with a towel in front of baskets

A common misconception many homeowners have is that a clean house is immune to bed bugs. In reality, bed bugs can burrow their way into both the untidiest and cleanest places. Bed bugs are attracted to warmth and feed off of human blood. Hence, bed bugs are naturally drawn to the areas where your body heat is the strongest – particularly your bed.

If you have a bed bug infestation, messy areas may make the bed bugs much harder to spot. Therefore, while cleaning and organization may not prevent beg bugs from appearing, it can make it easier to remove them. Regular vacuuming and decluttering can keep infestations at bay by making bugs and eggs more visible and eliminating them at the first sign.

What Causes a Bed Bug Infestation?

A clean space can still be infested with bed bugs, which is why it’s important to understand how these pesky vermin can enter your home in the first place. Here are some ways a bed bug infestation can still occur in a tidy, well-kept house.

Second-Hand Furnituresecond hand furniture set out at a yard sale

Taking a trip to the second-hand store may save you some money, but purchasing used furniture and other items could increase your risk of a bed bug infestation. Before bringing any used items into your home, make sure that everything has been cleaned and washed accordingly. If you suspect a piece of furniture has bed bugs, do not take it into your home; instead, wash or dispose of it safely.

Moving Between Units

Living in a multi-unit apartment building can have its perks, but it can make your dwelling more prone to bed bugs. Cracks and holes between walls and floors can make the perfect passageway for bed bugs to make their way into your space from a neighboring unit. If you live in a multi-unit location, perform a regular checkup throughout your apartment to ensure that it is free of bed bugs.

Hitching on to Clothing

Unfortunately, bed bugs can often invade your home through no fault of your own. Staying the night at a hotel or taking public transportation may seem harmless, but bed bugs can lurk on any surface like hotel beds, bus chairs, and wooden furniture to hitch a ride on your clothing, backpack, or luggage. Once you’ve settled into your home, bed bugs can detach themselves from your clothes and begin a full-blown infestation.

How to Keep Beg Bugs Away From Your Home

Finding bed bugs in any area of your home, clean or not, can be frightening at first. However, spotting one could mean many more are lurking in cracks and crevices, and it’s nearly impossible to get rid of them on your own. Fortunately, hiring a professional exterminator could eliminate bed bugs in your home in no time.

If you are dealing with a bed bug infestation, Bed Bug BBQ has the proper tools and equipment to help you get rid of them quickly. Visit our website or contact us today at (216) 400-5426 to learn more about our bed bug removal services.

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