Where Do Bed Bugs Generally Bite?
Realizing the possibility that you might have bed bugs can be a distressing event. For many people, their first instinct is to panic, or to avoid it all together. However, panicking won’t help you address the problem, and ignoring it will only allow it to get worse. You have more than likely found yourself waking up with bug bites and wondering if they are caused by bed bugs, and we are here to help. The first step is to take a deep breath and get to the root of the problem. This article is intended to help you identify if your problem is caused by bed bugs so you can get the help you need to treat it right away!
What Are Bed Bugs?
The first thing that needs to be addressed is how to go about identifying bed bugs. Bed bugs are small, apple seed-shaped insects that do not have wings. They generally hide during the day in places like mattresses, furniture, cracks in the walls, and anywhere else that will keep them concealed. These bugs do not fly or jump, but they can crawl fairly quickly. They are often identified by the reddish-brown stain they leave behind from being crushed in the night, discarded skin they have outgrown, or by finding the bugs themselves.
What Do Bed Bug Bites Look Like?
Identifying the difference between bed bug bites and something like a mosquito bite can be difficult for the naked eye. Bed bug bites tend to look similar to many other insect bites, but if you have multiple bites in a row, that can be an indicator that the bites are from bed bugs. They tend to be painless initially, developing into an itchy bump once the bug is long gone. They generally have the following characteristics:
- Small
- Itchy
- Raised welts
- Reddish in color on lighter skin and a lighter pink to purplish color on darker skin.
These bites may not appear right away but can develop into blisters over time. Not everybody reacts when they are bit by a bed bug; Only about 50% of people have a reaction to a bed bug bite that results in the raised, itchy bumps after being bit. In rare cases, allergies to bed bug bites can result in anaphylaxis.
Where And When Do Bed Bugs Bite?
Bed bugs are generally nocturnal creatures, tending to bite people only at night. Because they don’t only live in beds, they can bite you from anywhere they inhabit. This means you could get bites while watching TV late at night or while playing on the floor with your children if they have infested your couch or carpeting. The creepy crawlers are not likely to bite anywhere that isn’t exposed while you are sleeping, preferring instead to bite areas such as:
- Face
- Arms
- Neck
- Hands
- Feet
- Legs
Bites often appear in a zigzag pattern with clusters of three or more bites at a time.
Other Bugs That Bite At Night
Bed bugs are not the only creatures that may be causing your night-time woes. It is also possible that the bites you may be experiencing are caused by any number of other bugs including, but not limited to:
- Spiders
- Mosquitos
- Mites
- Fleas
- Lice
- Scabies
- Ticks
- Chiggers
Many if not all of these bugs have fairly similar bites that leave red, itchy, swollen welts. The only real way to know if the marks you are finding on yourself are from bed bugs or not is to find the actual bugs themselves.
Think You’ve Got Bed Bugs?
It can be a stressful situation to be in when you think you’ve found bed bug bites on yourself or your children. Thankfully, Bed Bug Barbeque is here to help! Our extermination experts specialize in treating bed bugs. We will inspect your entire home, not just the area you saw the first bug, and make sure and make sure to get the job done completely. Reach out to our experts today!