Can I Use a Spray For Bed Bug Treatment?
A bed bug infestation can continually pester you and your family as it worsens over time. That being said, there are various methods that you can use to help fight against bed bugs, including the method of using sprays and chemicals. However, there are a few things to consider before using a spray to handle your problem.
Using a Spray For Bed Bugs
There are various options that you can use when you decide to use a spray for bed bug treatment. Sprays are mostly fast-acting and available in pretty much any pest control aisle in your local grocery store. There are also professional chemical treatments that spray the infestation throughout your house, and most of these sprays can eradicate the insects it comes in contact with.
Sprays Are Fast, But With a Catch
When it comes down to it, using chemicals and sprays are one of the fastest options for eradicating bed bugs. However, sprays are really only useful if you are able to spray the bed bugs directly. If you don’t hit them, then they will survive and the infestation will continue to spread. Also, some bed bugs can adapt to certain chemicals over time. So, if you continue to spray the same bed bugs repeatedly, you won’t get very far in ridding yourself of the problem. This can make things especially difficult if you’re the one trying to spray a patch of bed bugs yourself.
Sprays Aren’t Eco-Friendly
One of the leading concerns of using sprays is the fact that the chemicals included are dangerous and not environmentally friendly. If you have children or animals, then you should be sure to keep them away from any of the items or locations sprayed with chemicals. In particular, children, people with breathing issues like asthma, and the elderly are extremely susceptible to the fumes that can come from chemical treatment.
Using Heat Treatment
Although bed bugs can survive in the cold for up to three days, they can usually only survive in intense heat for around three hours. Heat treatment is the professional process of eradicating bed bugs in your home by using heat. While using this method, a company will increase the temperature of your home to around 120-140 degrees Fahrenheit. Large heaters and fans are used to regulate the heat throughout the house, and the process itself should take less than twenty-four hours to complete. The best part about this method is that it should eliminate all the bed bugs on the first try.
Although heat treatment may not be as fast as chemical treatments, it is the safest option for eradicating bed bugs and is still relatively quick! The only materials or items that need to be removed are those that are vulnerable to the heat. No chemicals or fumes are ever involved. Plus, when the company finishes the work, there isn’t anything else that needs to be done.
The Choice is Up to You
In the end, whether you’d like to use a spray or heat treatment is up to you. Chemicals and sprays may be fast acting and easy to acquire. But, the chemicals used in these sprays also contain harmful fumes and odors. There are also many precautions that need to be taken before you use them.
On the other hand, using heat treatment is definitely the safer option between the two. That being said, it doesn’t work as quickly as chemicals do, and needs to be done professionally. However, heat treatment is a lot more thorough. The heat will reach and kill bed bugs in many areas where you wouldn’t be able to find them otherwise.
Are You in Need of Bed Bug Heat Treatment?
If you think you have bed bugs and are interested in seeking treatment for them, then contact Bed Bug Barbeque, LLC in Lakewood, Ohio. We use heat treatment to eradicate bed bugs and we offer entire home sanitation heat treatments. Contact Bed Bug Barbeque for a FREE quote at (216) 400-5415.