Summertime Nightmare: The Resurgence of Bed Bugs
When the sun starts shining and the weather is starting to warm up, you start seeing shorts, picnics by the lake, and, if you are from the northern part of states, people. Well people are not the only ones that become more active in the warmer weather…..
Bed Bugs are too!
After a long, slow winter, bed bugs like to stretch their legs and come out to play in the summertime as well.
Why Summer?
Bed bugs are notorious for being able to survive extreme temperatures. Their survival temperature is an outstanding 0℉ to 120 °F! They can survive these temperatures by manipulating their bodily fluids. In the winter, they can decrease the temperature and rate of their bodily fluids, which slows them down and forces them to disappear during the chilly nights. But as spring comes along and summer, they regulate their fluids to normal rates which causes them to be vibrant, active, and eventually, reproduce.But, when the temperature reaches 120℉ , like during a bed bug heat treatment, they will die quickly.
Summer Break = Time for Bed Bugs to Play
While they thrive in the summer, the reason of their resurgence is not solely dependent on the weather itself. The increase in travel and general activity contributes to the spread of the infestations in all areas.
In the summer, we people love to vacation. Which means hotels, motels, resorts, and all other vacation destination sites are in full swing. Therefore leads to an increase rotation of people going through these places, which leaves more of a chance for bed bugs to enter the premises.
Also, when college kids or family members come to visit in the summer, they may transport with them a batch of unwanted visitors. Many times, students and others can be unaware they’ve had a bed bug infestation in their space because the bites can be very small and easy to overlook. It only takes a few of them to take a family vacation on your luggage and enter into your home. Forcing you to deal with them and/or call a bed bug exterminator.
Mosquito Bites v. Bed Bug Bites
When it’s warm outside, mosquitos are also thriving and enjoy feeding on picnicking humans basking in the outdoors. This makes it easier to overlook any general bite marks. However, one way to distinguish bed bug bites from any other is by the direction in which they choose to give themselves. They normally bite a few times in a straight line. If you see any bite marks in a linear pattern, you better get ready to call your friendly, local bed bug exterminators!
Pro Tip: Mosquito repellant does not kill bed bugs.
Don’t DIY When it Comes to Bed Bugs
Do not try and clear your space of bed bugs without professionals because you’re likely to miss some eggs that will hatch later and create a new infestation. Bed bug heat treatments are the most effective because they reach bugs in the interspaces of any area without direct contact, unlike sprays and other methods. Fun fact: Bed Bug Heat Treatments are so effective and guarantee complete eradication, that the itch is all in your head.
Remember The Sunscreen And To Bug Screen
Many people are embarrassed to call bed bug exterminators because they think it’s a reflection of their hygiene, but that’s not how bed bugs work. They only need a place to hide, and a host to feed on. It’s likely that you live in a home, or a car, and being alive makes you a host. Therefore, everyone is a target. Some things to consider if you’re not trying to host a bed bug party after your travels this summer:
- Research your hotel and check this registry to see if it’s been listed for having bed bugs.
- Inspect your hotel/motel/resort room for bed bugs immediately when you enter the room
- Bring a flashlight and magnifying glass to check for the following:
- Your hotel room’s mattress for small, dried blood stains on the mattress perimeters.
- The back of the headboard mattress.
- Leave your suitcase on the luggage rack instead of the floors.
- Check yourself for those rows of small bites.
If you find yourself victim of these little pests, feel free to do additional research on bed bug heat treatments and find out how Bed Bug BBQ has been one of the main responders in one of America’s top bed bug infested cities.