{"id":2913,"date":"2019-05-08T13:48:56","date_gmt":"2019-05-08T13:48:56","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/wp-www-bedbugbbq-com.msgsndr.com\/?p=2913"},"modified":"2019-05-08T13:48:56","modified_gmt":"2019-05-08T13:48:56","slug":"coming-home-from-school-with-bed-bugs","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/bedbugbbq.com\/coming-home-from-school-with-bed-bugs\/","title":{"rendered":"Are My Kids Coming Home From School With Bed Bugs?"},"content":{"rendered":"

Schools are not ideal for hosting long term bed bug infestations due to their lack of hiding places and the amount of time a person can sit still, but due to the consistent flow of people in and out of the building, a bed bug slipping in a backpack would not be an overwhelming shocker. \u00a0Although when that one bed bug turns into an infestation in your home, it can cause quite a scene. Bed bug identification and prevention information amongst parents, students, and staff members can stop students from escorting bed bugs home. <\/span><\/p>\n

Basics on Bed Bugs<\/span><\/h3>\n

Bed bugs have long been a prominent pest in the world and continue to grow and spread their population. Due to their size and speed, they are excellent hitchhikers and can move from place to place by using items like furniture, mattresses, luggage, clothing, and backpacks. Once they are in a home, you can oftentimes find them in the corner of a mattress waiting for their host to go to sleep so they can feed every five to ten days. <\/span>Bed bug bites <\/span><\/a>can come in many shapes and sizes, all the way from non-existent to large red welts. Because bed bug bites are often mistaken for a different pest bite and their sheer size, bed bugs are often overlooked until they are in full force and have fully infested a home. <\/span><\/p>\n

Health and Safety Concerns<\/span><\/h3>\n

Although they are not known to carry any diseases, they can cause both physical and mental harm and stress. Having several tiny bugs crawl on you in the middle of the night will drive anyone into a sleepless zombie. This fatigue can then start influencing your daily activities. <\/span><\/p>\n

Due to the anesthetic in their saliva, many times people cannot feel bed bug bites when they are happening. But the morning after a feeding session, one can either be covered in red welts or have no reaction at all. If you are unfortunate enough to be suspected to these welts, their bites can lead to i<\/span>tching and skin irritation<\/span><\/a> and if the itching is excessive, it can become infected. <\/span><\/p>\n

Preventing Bed Bugs From Coming Home<\/span><\/h3>\n

Before discussing prevention methods, it is important to note that anyone can get bed bugs. They have no bias to their victims. So even if your house is sparkling clean, you could end up with bed bugs. But there are some things that you can do to lower your risk of this happening:<\/span><\/p>\n